Cobb Encourages Research Proposal Submissions From Diverse Disciplines to Advance Poultry Genetics


Cobb Research Initiative pre-proposal submission period opens Jan. 30, 2024

Siloam Springs, Arkansas, USA, Jan. 30, 2024 — ​Researchers can submit pre-proposals for the 2024 funding round of the Cobb Research Initiative (CRI) beginning Jan. 30, 2024.


The CRI was developed to help propel poultry genetics further by creating opportunities that bring together diverse scientific research disciplines to create advancements in global protein production.


"At Cobb, we are committed to advancing food security, safety, sustainability and efficiency, to ensure the continued accessibility and affordability of protein," said Dr. William Herring, Vice President of Research and Development at Cobb. "To achieve these objectives, we collaborate with experts across diverse fields, extending beyond poultry experts, to glean novel insights and develop cutting-edge tools to advance poultry genetics."


The CRI priorities include:

  • Broiler breeder livability
  • Broiler livability
  • Meat quality
  • Hatchability and chick quality
  • Egg fertility and production

Proposals that promote the convergence of science, automation, data and technology to advance poultry genetics, health, welfare and production efficiency are highly encouraged. 

In 2023, Cobb awarded nine grants in its first round of funding, creating partnerships with eight research programs across multiple countries.

“These research projects really are a partnership between Cobb and the grant recipients. Our approach to working with the research programs is unique and it has resulted in tremendously positive feedback,” Herring said. 

"The Cobb Research Initiative has been instrumental in enhancing my research program. It has provided a platform for expanding my knowledge in the [poultry] breeding industry while also facilitating the development and implementation of cutting-edge technologies that would otherwise be difficult to achieve," said Dr. Yang Zhao, 2023 grant recipient, University of Tennessee.

For the 2024 application period, submit pre-proposals electronically from Jan. 30 until March 4, 2024. To learn more about the CRI, including submission instructions and previously funded research, visit

14 months ago