Shaping the future of poultry genetics.

Collaborating for Advanced Scientific Breakthroughs.


Welcome to the Cobb Research Initiative (CRI) – our dedicated platform for innovative research in poultry genetics. The CRI brings together leading researchers and industry experts to address crucial challenges and advance genetic progress within the global poultry industry. This initiative underscores our commitment to combining state-of-the-art technology with expert insights to ensure sustainable, healthy, and affordable poultry production.

Goals of the Cobb Research Initiative
Cobb is revolutionizing how it develops and brings products to market using scale and technology to yield comprehensive, accurate performance data.
Improved Management & Analytics
Enhance the genetics of Cobb products with improved management and analytics for each primary research area.
Animal Health & Welfare
Improve animal health and welfare outcomes of poultry flocks and reduce the impact of avian pathogens.
Development of New Tools & Methods
Develop tools and methods to accelerate genetic progress across all traits. This includes development of new traits and improved measurements of existing traits.
Identify & Develop Understanding
Identify and develop an advanced understanding of nutrition, health, fertility, and hatchability relevant to Cobb broiler breeder genetics.
Published and Funded Research
Dive into the wealth of knowledge generated by the CRI. Below is a showcase of our most impactful research papers, each contributing to the vast field of poultry science.

Common Questions and Additional Resources

  • Budget

    Is there are budget cap on projects? No, the CRI does not have a budget cap. Researchers are encouraged to estimate total budgets based on the duration of the project and the amount of funding needed to cover the costs of completing the project in that time frame. 

  • Timing

    When should the project be expected to start? Researchers will be notified of funding decisions in the summer of 2025. Researchers can anticipate a start date of fall or spring semester based on their institution and schedule.  

  • Do I need experience with poultry or animal husbandry to apply for funding through the CRI?

    No. The primary goal of the CRI is to create collaborations across diverse disciplines that result in effective implementation of technology, engineering, and data science to improve production, sustainability, and resiliency of Cobb breeding stock. The CRI welcomes project proposals from all researchers with innovative ideas.

  • Contact and questions

    For other questions or more information, contact

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